Shadow Texture Renderer is a component for controlling the quality of a shadow render texture. You don’t need to add this component explicitly. It will be added together with Draw Target Object component or Draw Scene Object component.
Field | Description |
Shadow Color | Set a shadow color. If projector material can adjust shadow color or shadow intensity, leave this field black for better performance. |
Texture Width | Choose a render texture width |
Texture Height | Choose a render texture height |
Multi Sampling | Choose a multisampling level for antialiasing. Multisampling requires hardware support. |
Super Sampling | Choose a supersampling level for antialiasing. Supersampling uses larger internal render texture. Use multisampling for better performance, especially on mobile devices. |
Blur Level | Choose a blur level. Usually, choose 0 for hard shadows, and choose 1 for soft shadows. Higher blur level can make the shadow more blurry, but not recommended. Please consider to use smaller texture size. |
Blur Size | Adjust blur filter size. Applicable if bluer level is greater than 0. |
Mip Level | Set max mip level of the render texture. It should be zero if you don’t use Mipmapped Shadow shader. See also Projector Shaders. * Version 1.0 had a memory leak bug. If mip level was greater than 0, a temporary render texture had not been released every frame. Version 1.0.1 will be released soon. Please don’t forget to update this asset. |
Single Pass Mipmap Blur | Use a single pass blur shader for generating mipmap. It cannot have a large blur size, but it can be faster than the normal blur shader. |
Mipmap Blur Size | Blur filter size for each mip level. |
Don’t update while out of view | You can set false if you are sure that the projector is always visible. If this field is true and the projection frustum of the projector does not intersect with a view frustum of a camera, the render texture will not be updated. |
Cameras For View Clip Test | Set an array of cameras used for view clip test of the projector. If this array is empty, main camera will be used. |
Blur Filter | Choose a blur filter type, Uniform or Gaussian. Uniform filter might be better for soft shadows, and Gaussian is suitable for blob shadows. |
Mipmap Falloff | Choose a falloff type for Mipmapped Shadow shader. If you choose custom, you need to set Custom Mipmap Falloff as well. |
Custom Mipmap Falloff | Set a falloff value for each mip level |
Near Clip Plane | The near clip plane of the camera which is used for rendering the render texture. It can be different from the near clip plane of the projector. Default value is 0.01. |
Show Camera in Inspector | This is only for debug purpose. The camera for the render texture is fully controlled by Shadow Texture Renderer component, and it is usually hidden in Inspector view. You can see the camera status by checking this field. |
Blur Shader | A shader internally used in this component. Usually, you don’t need to change this field. |
Downsample Shader | A shader internally used in this component. Usually, you don’t need to change this field. |
Copy Mipmap Shader | A shader internally used in this component. Usually, you don’t need to change this field. |
Preferred Texture Formats | By default, ARGB32 format is used for the render texture. If you want to use another format, you can set it here. In case that GPU does not support the render texture format, you can set multiple formats. If none of them are supported, ARGB32 will be used. |
Hi, deer developer
It’s really a fantastic project, I have used this package in urp pipeline, but it can only get pot like shape shadow, not like in build-in pipeline. I had read the online document but I still can’t realize how to get a shadow shape which showed in demo scene of build-in pipeline, I mean the shape “sample” and the cube in demo.
My English isn’t very well, I hope I have describe it clearly. If you feed me back, I will be happy.
Thank you!
Hi, thank you for using Dynamic Shadow Projector. Have you installed Projector For LWRP and Dynamic Shadow Projector Extension For LWRP? If not, you can see error messages and buttons to install those plugins in the Inspector View of Shadow Texture Renderer component.
If you install the above plugins, you can see sample projects in DynamicShadowProjectorExtensionForLWRP/Samples folder.