The following table shows the frame rates of Demo scenes, measured on some mobile devices. Each cell has two numbers, the left side indicates the frame rate when Fast Shadow Receiver is turned ON, and the right side indicates the frame rate when it is turned OFF.

iPod touch
 4th gen
iPhone 4S
Galaxy Nexus
Nexus 7
Projector – Plane
60 / 55 (FPS)
60 / 60 (FPS)
60 / 60 (FPS)
60 / 60 (FPS)
Projector – Mesh
60 / 55 (FPS)
60 / 60 (FPS)
60 / 60 (FPS)
60 / 60 (FPS)
Projector – Terrain
11 /  9 (FPS)
24 / 24 (FPS)
30 / 27 (FPS)
35 / 34 (FPS)
Shadowmap – Plane
60 / 50 (FPS)
60 / 60 (FPS)
18 / 17 (FPS)
Shadowmap – Mesh
53 / 50 (FPS)
60 / 60 (FPS)
18 / 17 (FPS)
MultiProjector – Plane
60 / 18 (FPS)
60 / 60 (FPS)
60 / 50 (FPS)
60 / 55 (FPS)
MultiProjector – Mesh
40 / 18 (FPS)
60 / 60 (FPS)
60 / 50 (FPS)
60 / 55 (FPS)

The next table shows the frame rates when “Projector/Multiply” shader is used instead of “FastShadowReceiver/Projector/Multiply without Falloff” shader.

iPod touch
 4th gen
iPhone 4S
Galaxy Nexus
Nexus 7
Projector – Plane
60 / 50 (FPS)
60 / 60 (FPS)
60 / 60 (FPS)
60 / 60 (FPS)
Projector – Mesh
60 / 50 (FPS)
60 / 60 (FPS)
60 / 60 (FPS)
60 / 60 (FPS)
Projector – Terrain
11 /  9 (FPS)
24 / 24 (FPS)
30 / 25 (FPS)
35 / 33 (FPS)
MultiProjector – Plane
60 / 15 (FPS)
60 / 60 (FPS)
60 / 45 (FPS)
60 / 40 (FPS)
MultiProjector – Mesh
40 / 15 (FPS)
60 / 60 (FPS)
60 / 45 (FPS)
60 / 40 (FPS)

As you can see, FastShadowReceiver was quite effective on iPod touch 4th gen. This device has hardware performance similar to iPhone 4. The performance differences are very obvious especially in “MultiProjector – Plane” scene and “MultiProjector – Mesh” scene.

On the other hand, we couldn’t see any performance difference on iPhone 4S, because we couldn’t measure higher frame rates than 60. If we could turn off this frame rate bounds, we might be able to see some performance differences, especially in “MultiProjector – Plane” scene and “MultiProjector – Mesh” scene. In actual game scenes which have more objects and particles, GPU will be busier and the performance differences might be visible even on this device.

On some old AndroidTM devices, we could also see some performance differences. If we could turn off the frame rate bounds, the difference might have been bigger than in the table.


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